Professor Nathwani is also a frequent commentator in national press outlets where he seeks to lead public conversations on more resilient futures for Canadians. He has promoted policy advancement and public engagement with diverse stakeholder groups and the media. He has helped shape the tenor of energy policy debates, often characterized by sharp divergent perspectives, towards a balanced approach to assist governments, citizens and policy makers achieve consensus. He has worked actively with several Boards, energy forums, senior thought leaders and legislators.
Public Lectures and Keynote Speeches (200+):
During his tenure as Executive Director of WISE, he was an active contributor to public discourse through the media and made himself available to the journalists and the media (TV, Radio/Radio 40+, Newspapers and Magazines, Op-eds 80+). He never turned down an invitation to with members of the public, community and church groups, volunteer organizations and NGOs to share his ideas and expertise.
He has been a frequent commentator in national press outlets and to led public conversations including:
April 18, 2012
Dr. Jatin Nathwani, Executive Director of the Waterloo Institute for Sustainable Energy and a lead author of the “Equinox Blueprint: Energy 2030” gave the keynote presentation at North America’s Energy Future public forum held in Toronto. Find out more about the Link
May 8, 2015
Prof. Nathwani at the University of Waterloo is developing competitive energy policies to enable us to meet future energy requirements.
February 5, 2019
Over 600 members of Third Age Learning gathered for this part of the Winter 2019 Tuesday Series – Hotter, Wetter, Wilder: Climate Challenges and the Chase for Solutions. [Link]
February 13, 2013
Dr. Jatin Nathwani speaks about his role at the University of Waterloo in a profile video sponsored by AAAS. [Link]
April 25 and 26, 2016
An Energy Revolution. Discussion on how to transform existing energy systems to get greener power everywhere.
Prof. Nathwani has actively worked with Government agencies, councils, and community groups. A few select examples are:
- Leading contribution on behalf of the industry to the development and modernization of Canada’s nuclear safety regulatory framework including the upgrades to the regulations and policy directives enacted under the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission Act (1997) replacing the Atomic Energy Control Act (1946)
- House of Commons (Canada) – Expert Testimony, House of Commons Standing Committee on Natural Resources on the ‘Medical Isotopes Crisis (2008/2009)
- The UK House of Commons All Party Parliamentary Group on ‘Nuclear Energy and ‘Coping with a Large Nuclear Accident (2015)
- Ontario Legislature, the Cabinet Secretariat & Ministry of Energy- Policy Engagement Series with the Legislators ‘Shaping Ontario’s Energy Future (2009/2008)
- Policy Innovation and Leadership (PIL), Cabinet Office (2008), Minister of Energy’s Emerging Trends Energy Leaders Roundtable (2016)
- The Energy Council of Canada (ECC),
- The Council of Canadian Academies (CCA),
- University Network of Excellence in Nuclear Engineering (UNENE),
- Council for Clean and Reliable Energy (CCRE),
- IESO ‘Energy Transformation Network of Ontario (ETNO)
- 3rd Age Learning Group